Aradia Ardor 
Yesterday was my first shoot with Aradia Ardor. On top of that, it was my first time using my new ring flash that I received for Xmas. I love that flash and it was everything I could do to not use it for every single set we did. LOL I displayed MASTERFUL CONTROL!!

Aradia had been planning her trip to LA for months, and I'm lucky that she emailed me about shooting. She was staying at Steve Diet Goedde's very colorful pad, and he was kind enough to let us shoot there. So, that makes these photos like doubly-fetishy, right? Ha ha.

After a full day of shooting, I rushed home to shower and change, then headed out to Michael Helms' house for dinner. In attendance were Steve and Aradia, Dave Naz and his girlfriend Ori, Ed Fox, Michael's friend Angela, and Michael and Shy. Dinner was delicious and the conversation was very graphic and adult in nature. I love dinner parties like that! After dinner, Michael piled all of us photographers onto his bed and shot a group photo. I'll be sure to share it with you when I see it.

After dinner, most everyone left, but I stuck around for a bit to set up a VacBed and give my friends the benefit of my "expertise". ;)

I am beyond pooped today, but I wouldn't have changed a thing!

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2007, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

Technorati tags: Aradia+Ardor, Steve+Diet+Goedde, Fetish+Photography, Dave+Naz, corset, bondage

Maria Gibson 
Wow! She looks absolutely stunning! =O I've never heard of her before... But then again - I'm bad at keeping up... Hehe... ^^;
Anywho! You really got some great shots of her. I love the shot with that peach corset. ;)

Holy toledo Batman!!! Had I known the VacBed was going to be set up, I would have stayed!!!!!
I love the images, and of course, I adore you!!! You rock my casbah!


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