Amina Munster 
Had a great time today shooting with Amina Munster. She was a total delight and totally hot. We did 5 sets in about 3.5 hours. The time really flew by because, though I'm fast, I'm not usually THAT fast. There's something to be said for a model who's ready when you get there. =)

Thanks to Suzan for helping out and to Black Lickorish for the sexy latex!!

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2008, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

Technorati tags: Amina+Munster, latex, rubber, sexy, model, nude, erotic, photography

Administrator (Christine Kessler) 
Thanks guys. And thanks for taking the time to comment. =)

Will Prouty 
I saw a picture of this shoot on your Flickr account. I love your eye for both posing your models and composition of the images.

I will enjoy exploring this blog further.

Victoria Everman 
Majorly yummerz! You two work seamlessly together.


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