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Rubber Sisters 
Finally finished unpacking and digging out my cables so I could dump the photos onto my hard drive. I've been really eager to look through them on a big screen. Meet the Rubber Sisters. I heart them, btw. We had such a good time getting to know them, and I hope to take them up on their offer of a visit to their place sometime soon. And, when they come to LA, I'll be all over them. =)

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2008, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

Technorati tags: Rubber+Sisters, rubber+dolls, latex, fetish+photography

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Found some event pics from Fetish Evolution. =) And had some e-mail exchanges with the promoter with positive results. Thanks for having my back, y'all.

Left to right: Ruby Luster, Emily Marilyn, Bob, Francois, Kip

Left to right: Bob, Me, Jean Bardot, Liam, Anastasia Pierce

Me + Bob


The last three photos were by Eros Artist. Click here to go to the site and see all of the event pics. =)

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Disappearing act... 
Thanks to all of you who messaged me about my disappearance. Very sweet of you to care. =)

As you may know, I was out of the country on a trip to Germany for Fetish Evolution. I just got back a couple nights ago and have been juggling wicked jet lag with a whole shitload of work, so I haven't been on here... Sorry!!

Germany was both good and not so good. We arrived a couple days before the event and ran into Kumi at the airport. Our ride was supposed to pick us up at 6:30pm but didn't get there til two hours later. We got to the hotel and checked in, changed, unpacked, and joined Kumi at the bar.

Bob and I crawled back to our room and passed out but were up again at 4am with jet lag in full effect. We relaxed for a bit then heard some noises which turned out to be Anastasia Pierce trying to sneak a stalker note under the door.

Isn't she the best? LOL Turns out Jean Bardot was next door to us and Anastasia was down the hall. We all went down to breakfast in time to see Darenzia and Ruby Luster arrive. Ruby's suitcase had been lost and didn't show up for another day and she was in quite a state over it. Once they had gotten settled, we all walked to the local grocery store to stock up. See, the wise folks in charge planned the event on a big holiday weekend which meant that the already sleepy town would be completely shut down Friday for Good Friday, most of Saturday, all of Sunday, and all of Monday for Easter. We did our best to stock our tiny hotel fridges with food and drink for the coming days as our only other choice was to eat in the hotel restaurant and bar.

After shopping and a nap half of us piled into Belgium Marc's car and the other half into a cab for the long drive to La Piazza shoes. Darenzia and Ruby bought some incredibly sexy heels while Anastasia and I and the boys watched them try everything on. La Piazza has some of my favorite high heels and it was a real treat to get to fondle them in person. ;)

After that, Marc, Bob, Nicholas and I drove over to Marquis which was about 20 minutes away. We spent some time chatting with Peter Czernich before doing a little bit of latex shopping in their store. BTW, the Marquis shop is really terrific, probably the largest selection of latex I've ever seen in one shop. (I want it all!!!)

Later that evening, we all met back up in the bar and the marathon of drunkening commenced. Heh... I don't drink alcohol, so I just watched the show. Let me tell you, this is one fun bunch of people and we probably had a better time in that little bar than we did elsewhere...

The actual Fetish Evolution events began with a meet and greet party in the hotel. Everyone we'd been hanging out with changed into latex and reconvened. That's kind of how the whole weekend went, actually. We'd hang out during the day in our civvies, then change and hang out in latex. Kind of silly if you think about it. There was an after party that I skipped... I had a shoot scheduled the following morning with the Rubber Sisters. I love them and actually dragged my gear all the way to Germany just for that one shoot. =) Samples soon.

The Expo took place on Saturday and Sunday in the hotel. In addition to the shopping (not as good as the Skin Two Expo since it was much smaller) they had scheduled a gallery exhibit and I was asked to display my photos. That's actually one of the main reasons I chose to attend the event. Well, after shipping my photos to Germany and being assured that they would take care of the framing, you can bet your ass that I was LIVID when my images were not displayed. I didn't get a straight answer until the Expo was almost over when I was told that they didn't get frames. Not even an apology. I basically spent a fuckton of money for absolutely nothing. (Can you tell that I am still upset?)

Later that night was the pre-party party. We had to take a shuttle to the location 30-40 minutes away (sitting the whole time in a corset, no less...). The event was ok. Jean and Anastasia did a couple performances and I spent some time with the Rubber Sisters, Tony Mitchell, and Kip. At about 2:30 we'd had enough. The first shuttle was scheduled to arrive then to start ferrying people back to the hotel. We lined up at the front door (in latex with no jackets) and waited, and waited, and waited. It was snowing and every time the door opened we moved closer to hypothermia. The shuttles were supposed to run every 1/2 hour and though we waited over an hour, none showed up. We finally managed to get a ride with someone though Darenzia had to lay across our laps in the back seat.

The party moved back into the hotel bar where we wreaked havoc until 6am when breakfast was served, then back to bed. It was like that every night, actually.

The next night there was a fetish dinner type thing. We went but chose not to pay 75 Euros for the meal so we hung out in the venue's bar for a bit then grew incredibly bored and went back to the hotel and to sleep. When the rest of the crew returned from the dinner, they came and woke us up and we grudgingly followed them to the bar. I'm actually happy for that because we had so much fun til, yep, 6am and breakfast.

The final, main event was pretty cool, though. The venue was impressive and not as long of a drive. Though I think that having it on a Monday night was a bad idea. I'm sure it would have been much busier on a Saturday.

I'm missing details, I'm sure. And some debauchery you just can't know about. LOL But, overall, I give the event a score of 5 or maybe 6/10. There were too many parties, we'd have been happy with just the main one and the Expo. They fucked me over with the exhibition. The planning was god-awful (no one knew when or where anything was happening, not even the people in charge). Having it on a holiday weekend meant we were trapped in the hotel with nothing to do all day long. I doubt I'd make the trek again.

So, yeah... I'm ungrateful and jaded. So sue me.

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Kink Ball 08 
A couple weekends ago, I attended Kink Ball weekend here in LA. Friday night, Gwen and I hit the event at Bordello. Decked out in full rubber, we shot the shit with Steve Diet Goedde, Eric Kroll, Perry Gallagher, Rubberdoll, Tony Mitchell and a bunch of our other pervy pals. Saturday, Perry and Michael Helms picked me up and we headed to the Key Club for another party. Rubberdoll and Anastasia Pierce did a wild performance, and we hung out with Jewell Marceau, Sonny Black, January Seraph, and more people than I could possibly name. It was great to see all of my fetish friends without having to travel. =)

And, best of all, I got to hang out with Stoya, whom I don't see nearly often enough.

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Fine Art 
San Francisco was really great. Emily, Ruby and I had a blast and it was really interesting to watch the painting sessions. Here are a few photos...

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Picked up Ruby at the airport a couple hours ago after shooting all day with Idelsy. We're picking Emily up bright and early tomorrow so I have to get in bed. Just wanted to share some of today's photos while I have the chance. =)

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2008, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

Technorati tags: Idelsy, rubber, latex, heavy+rubber, fetish+photography

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Planning and prepping 
Sorry for the silence, guys. Shit's been really crazy busy for me recently. I've had a couple shoots (and another tomorrow) and have been working on a bunch of business stuff. Also, I'm getting ready to head up to San Francisco on Monday with Emily and Ruby. My very talented friend, Henry Lewis, is going to be doing some paintings of them and we're going up for the prelims. And, as if that's not enough, I'm also planning my trip to Germany. I'll be showing photos at the gallery at Fetish Evolution. It's supposed to be an amazing party, too, so I really can't wait.

Will update with more shortly. I hope!!

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Update - 20 February, 2008 

Dirty, Sexy Romance with Darenzia & Ulorin Vex - In the Legs Gallery

There's something about this gallery that really works for me. Darenzia and Ulorin are so perfect together. Not only are they both uniquely beautiful, but they feed off of each other's love of sexy lingerie and stockings. More from this shoot here!

Punk Rock Bondage with Miss Conduct - In the Sessions Gallery

Miss C makes two appearances this week. First in this BDSM gallery, and also in a video. We just shot these a couple months ago. She came down to LA to visit and she and Randy were itching for some fun. I just followed them out to my backyard and let them do what came naturally.

Miss Rubber with Miss Conduct - **New Video**

I bring you a new video this week. Miss Conduct in a sexy latex hood with a transparent rubber face and a tight corset doing what she does best... Looking fierce...

Wooden with Betka Schpitz - In the Latex Gallery

This week's bonus gallery features the lovely Miss Betka Schpitz in a custom latex outfit by Vex Clothing. Ms. B and I shot this up in the woods in Oregon during one of our trips to the mountains. I quite like the feel of these photos. They seems so timeless.

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Phoenix Rising 
Ok, so where the hell has Satine Phoenix been all my life? LOL Pia befriended her a few years ago, and she told me about her then. But I didn't meet her until my last shoot with January Seraph. And, frankly, now I'm hooked.

Yesterday, I shot both Satine and January and it was a long, wonderful day. Let me tell you about Satine. She's fucking smokin' hot, she's a porn star, and she's a real, genuine pervert. My favorite kind.

I brought along a bunch of fun stuff for her to look through and she was immediately drawn to the zentai suits. She'd never heard of zentai or encasement fetish, but she loves small spaces, tight compression, and full enclosure. Satine and encasement were made for each other. I swear to you, she was freaking out when she put on the full coverage nude colored spandex catsuit. Seriously. She was moaning and writhing and we hadn't even started shooting yet. Yep, I'm taking credit for turning her out. Next time you see Satine in zentai, you can thank me for it. =)

Satine told me that she's been trying to explore colors more, that most of her photos were in black clothing. We really had to work hard at showing some restraint, she was in danger of turning into a giant rainbow. LOL In my bags of goodies, I had these pantyhose that I'd bought several years ago but never shot. I think I was saving them for someone special. I'm in love with them, though. Crazy European striped tights look so delicious on Satine's long legs. I'm glad I waited. =)

I'd also brought some of my sexiest boots along. They were still in my car because I'd taken them to my shoot with Scar and Rubberdoll. Lucky for me, Satine wears the same size. I dressed her in another zentai suit, a tight red corset, and those gorgeous 6 1/2" stiletto boots and then watched her hobble up to the roof of her building. She looked so amazing up there in that industrial setting with the skyscrapers peeking through the overcast sky. She took a roll of red bondage tape with her that she used to tightly wrap up her mouth and eyes. Next thing you know, the zipper comes down and her gloved fingers start probing her pussy, as she masturbated to climax. It was amazingly hot. Really, really hot. I'm honored to have been there for that.

January lives down the hall and she was kind enough to join us for the end of the day. First, I photographed January in one of Exquisite Restraint's stunning corsets. Then, we took Satine for her first ride in a VacBed. (Turning her out part two!!) Days don't get much better than this, I assure you!!

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2008, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

Technorati tags: VacBed, zentai, encasement+fetish, Satine+Phoenix, January+Seraph, fetish+photography

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Maybe sooo tired... 
It's been a wild weekend, lemme tell ya. LOL

I'll be posting about it in detail in the next couple of days. In the meantime, I wanted to post samples from today's shoot with Rubberdoll and Scar13. Latex and more latex, and fine-ass foxy ladies to wear it for me. Yaaaay!

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2008, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

Technorati tags: Ribberdoll, Scar13, goth, erotic, photography, heavy+rubber

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