And, lastly: PLEASE COMMENT! I love to hear from you, so don't be shy. Take a moment to leave a comment and check back for the reply. Bookmark this site or sign up for the feed because I'm always updating it and adding new photos.
I've got a problem. My problem is shoes. I'm a sucker for an extreme arch, a super-high heel. Don't judge me. ;)
These supple leather boots were a recent splurge and totally not my fault. I already had them as knee boots, but when I took Miss Conduct shoe shopping a couple months ago and found that these were on sale (50% off!!) I could not resist wrecking my budget to give these babies a good home. Of course, having them for myself is just part of the pleasure, only slightly better than dressing up hot ladies in them.
Ryan, my boots look damn good on you!
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This is the final bonus image for now. Mz Berlin burried herself in her pink fishnet dress. She really got into the cocooning. This is one of many photos of her doing that. The rest, of course, will be members only. =)
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I thought you might be interested in this behind the scenes photo of Mz Berlin lacing up her ballet boots. I never remember to post these images, but I'm trying to be better about it. =)
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Clearly, our host was fabulous, if incognito. D and I had already begun shooting her modeling this shiny gold dress, when next thing we know, he came down the stairs wearing this ouchfit. It was hysterical.
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I've decided to post some of the funnier photos.
Like this:
Way to go, Bob. LOL
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How it works:
1) I shoot.
2) I copy the images to my computer.
3) I go through them quickly and delete anything out of focus or any shot where the strobes didn't fire.
4) I rename the images to include the date, the model(s) name, the title of the scene.
5) I back the images up onto DVD for my files.
6) I go through them again and pick one or two samples to post on my blog.
7) I move the shoot into the editing queue.
8) I edit the images.
9) I add my frame and copyright notice.
10) I schedule them as updates for my site.
Sometimes, what happens, though, is that while I'm editing (that's step 8 for those of you following along at home), I discover a hidden gem. A new favorite image that I missed in step 6.
Yesterday, I was working on photos of Darenzia and Jade and came across this one. I shore do think it's purty. ;)
Copyright © Christine Kessler 2008, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.
tags: fetish+model, fetish+photography, darenzia, latex, rubber, christine+kessler
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Stayed up late working last night, slept five hours, got back up today and worked some more. Edited some photos of Jade in her awesome transparent smoke-colored catsuit. When that was done, I showered, got dressed, drove all the way downtown to get parking permits only to find that the LA County Parking Bureau had moved. Drove to the new location, waited forever, paid a ton of money and walked out with my car's annual permit, two 3 month visitor permits, and a bunch of one-day guest permits. I hate my neighbors for voting in that ridiculous permit requirement.
Upon my return, I started working on some gifts for friends who'll be joining me for dinner on Xmas eve. I can't believe that I've become crafty. My high-school self would never have believed it!
Miss Conduct and her man are driving down and staying a few days and I can't wait to see them. She messaged me yesterday to ask if I'd shoot her since she has no photos of her new boobs. Ummmm... Yeah!
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Jared asked to see a shot of Mischa in those great thigh-highs I brought for her to wear. And, since I'm a nice guy, and it's the season of giving and all.. Here she is! And, flanked by sexy Micaela, it's doubly good!
Copyright © Christine Kessler 2008, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.
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This little figurine was on the window ledge at Amina's friend's place. I spotted it while I was setting up lights and I just love it.
So, yeah. Take that and stuff it up your stocking.
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I've been doing my darndest to edit furiously. So many shoots all at once = huge backlog and models waiting for photos. Yesterday, I got up bright and early and promptly glued myself to my desk chair, settling in for hours.
On the agenda were two sets of Ryan Keely and one of Angela Ryan and Athena Fatale. While I edit I either listen to audio books, NPR archives, or I "watch" old TV shows on Hulu. (I have two monitors hooked up and I'll have a small window playing video on my right monitor while I work on photos on the left. It's more "listening" to the shows than watching, but it keeps me entertained.) I'm able to engage one side of my brain with the shows or books while the other side busies itself with the editing. If I'm writing or doing web design, the shows are too distracting.
Anyways... I have gone through entire seasons of shows on Hulu since I sit here for hours at a time and, though I appreciate the free entertainment, there's something that just drives me berserk. The website is driven by advertising, which I totally understand and have no complaints about. Where a show would usually have a string of commercials if it played on TV, it only has one commercial on Hulu. Which, in theory, is awesome. HOWEVER!!! When I say that Hulu has one commercial, I mean ONE commercial. In the past two days, I have seen the same exact JC Penney commercial at nearly 100 times. Seriously. The same one. And it even has a terrible song. It's always that way. The one commercial will change. Sometimes there are two commercials that switch off from show to show, but for the duration of the episode, at least, it's the same commercial. It got so painful that I was moved to write them a complaint letter pointing out that, thanks to them, the LAST place I want to shop now is JC Penney.
Sorry. I digress....
Let me just say that while I was editing this photo, all my complaints about Hulu's annoying lack of varied advertising melted away (but came right back with the next commercial break).
What have we learned? Well, that Ryan's got junk in her trunk and it has healing properties. =)
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