This blog (and all of MyFetishDiary.com) is intended solely for adults (you must be over 18 to view it!). I am an erotic photographer and this blog is not meant for minors or those who are easily offended. There will be potty language. There will be dirty pictures. This site is not work safe.... There. You've been warned. So don't come crying to me if your boss wants to know why you're looking at kinky fetish pictures... LOL


And, lastly: PLEASE COMMENT! I love to hear from you, so don't be shy. Take a moment to leave a comment and check back for the reply. Bookmark this site or sign up for the feed because I'm always updating it and adding new photos.

For all the uncensored hotness, visit my website, MyFetishDiary.com!

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So, it appears that a bunch of NYC dungeons are getting raided/busted. My question is... Once they close all the places down, what are the judges and lawyers gonna do? Get outcall?

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I don't post much on my blog about politics and religion, because I like to keep things light and entertaining, etc. However, I'm really afraid for the future. This presidential election has seriously got me worried. And, I'm not the only one...

Matt Damon makes a very good point, don't you think? What if Palin was president? That is not a pleasant prospect. In addition to her lack of experience and lying about earmarks and the "Bridge to Nowhere", there's:

1) Banning books?!!!!?
2) She supports teaching creationism in schools (there's your dinosaur answer, Matt...)
3) She's anti-choice and, yeah... If some stranger violently rapes you and you become pregnant, GUESS WHAT? You're gonna carry that rape baby to term! Lucky you!!!
4) She believes in abstinence-only programs and doesn't want birth control taught.
5) etc, etc...

DEAR GOOD PEOPLE WHO ENJOY EROTIC ART, FETISH PHOTOGRAPHY, AND PORNO IN GENERAL... A VOTE FOR REPUBLICANS IS A VOTE AGAINST THE FREEDOM TO ENJOY THESE VERY THINGS! The disastrous Bush presidency not only made me embarrased to be an American, not only ruined America in the eyes of the world, not only destroyed our economy, but also enacted the ridiculous 2257 laws in an attempt to run down the industry of pornography. Whether or not you watch porn, it's awfully nice to know you have the freedom to do it if you so choose.

So, how about a country whose leaders don't base policy on fairy tales? How about not voting for a candidate who chose a poor running mate just so he could get the Hilary votes? How about personal freedoms? I like 'em. Don't you?

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Club Stoya 
One of my photographs of Stoya appears in the April 2008 issue of Club International Magazine. I know this is super late, but I just got the issue in the mail today. Better late than never. =)

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Kink's over. We're waiting for Bob. Gluefest #2 (must finish the projects!!). And, for stimulation purposes, we're watching Zoolander (for the 4 millionth time). Could Mila be any hotter than when she licks the blood from her lips?

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So, I finally got around to making a Flickr Stream. Here's a slideshow of the images (most of which can also be found on this blog if you do some digging), or you can go to my Flickr Photostream by clicking here.

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20 years 
My trip to SF served several purposes.

1) I was up there to see a concert.

2) I got to hang out with Miss Conduct... It's been too long.

3) I spent time with my pals Henry Lewis and Paul King.

4) I got to meet the Zivity crew face-to-face.

5) Seth, Christian and I got tattooed to commemorate 20 years of friendship.

Seth moved to SF a few months ago and Christian was visiting from Germany, so it worked out perfectly. We had my old friend, Barnaby, inflict the pain. The best thing I can say about that is that since both are now done, I'll never have to get my ditch tattooed again. It blows.

Christian brought me a very thoughtful gift that he got out of a vending machine in Germany. It was the mascot for my drive back to LA. LOL

Nothing says "road trip" like a little rubber penis squeak-toy bobbing around on the dashboard.

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The other night, Bob was out of town and I was left to my own devices. I invited Kink over for a latex gluing lesson, and we were joined by Evan and Crystal. The evening lasted forever, was very informative, and gave me new appreciation for how much work goes into making latex garments. It's frustrating and time-consuming, and messy.

We started out with some repairs I needed done, and they were good for learning basic gluing and prep. Then, I had this "great idea". It went something like... "HEY KINK, I HAVE THIS DESIGN I WANT TO MAKE AND IT OUGHT TO BE REALLY SIMPLE!!" Boy, was I ever wrong. I worked on it that night (you can see my paper pattern in the photos below), and the next two days, and had to put it aside since I was leaving town. Now I'm back and I'm hoping I can finish it up at some point.

Someone needs to invent a glue that dries faster. All that waiting is for the birds!

What really made it all bearable was the awesome apron Kink let me wear. =)

Technorati tags: latex, rubber, fetish+fashion

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Apnea posted this image on her blog with the caption, "Thank you for making pretty pictures of people that look similar to me <3 ". A quick visit to Deviant Art revealed the source of the image (and several more by the same "artist" copying Apnea's look and tattoo with nary a credit in site). Maybe it's guilt, but I feel it's time for me to fess up.

Sorry, Apnea, but we just can't help it. You're just INSPIRATIONAL!! Besides, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, or something like that.

Well, that WOULD be the case, except this hamster is my own creation and has nothing at all to do with Apnea. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. ;)

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Zivity Bootcamp - The official details 
The Zivity Photography Bootcamp is an all day intensive workshop geared
towards bringing your photography to the next level. Taught by three
internationally published photographers recognized as the top in their
field, the Zivity Bootcamp is your chance to step up your game in the
competitive world of photographing female models. Starring three amazing
(and highly sought after) models, the Zivity Bootcamp pulls no stops drawing
upon the local fashion and makeup scene as well to bring you a one of a kind
event. Held at the spacious Blue Sky Studio in San Francisco, the Zivity
Bootcamp is your chance to work with top talent and your chance to get
one-on-one time working with all three models.

Course includes lecture and demonstration of the following topics:
Natural lighting
Studio lighting
Content photography- producing photo ³sets²
Model interaction lessons including how to work with a nude model
Photo retouching and workflow

Q: Why should I pay twice as much for the Zivity Bootcamp as these other
workshops I see happening?
A: Most other workshops around fall into two categories; the group shoots
and the limited ³art nude² workshops. At the group shoots you have a bunch
of photographers and a bunch of models eager for portfolio shots. With
little direction and almost no chance to work with the models one-on-one you
will never get the shot you are looking for. At the art nude shoots you get
direction but in a very limited scope. Art nude workshops tend to center
around beautiful, but a very basic style of photography.
At the Zivity Bootcamp you will get a wide range of instruction and a chance
to work one on one with every model and you will get a chance to pick the
brains of all the instructors.

Q: San Francisco is too far for me to travel, when are you going to hold a
workshop in my area?
A: Good question! Go to http://bootcamp.zivity.com and submit your email
to get updates for upcoming photography events. If you have a desire to
have us hold one in your area please email us a message with your request:
[email protected]. If we get enough interest in your area we would love to
come out.

Q: What level of experience do I need to attend this class?
A: All we ask is that you own your own DSLR camera, and know how to work it
in manual mode. If you know what the difference is between ISO, Aperture,
and Shutter speed you should do fine. This class is geared towards
photographers that can use their cameras and want to get better shots.
There won¹t be long discussions about lighting math or things like that. We
will teach you how to get the shots using the tools on your camera. If we
teach you how to ³see² the shots you want and get them, that is a lot more
valuable than any equation on paper.

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Heat Wave 
I've been in San Francisco for a few days now and there's been a crazy heat wave the whole time. How disappointing! I look forward to cool temps up here in the bay, not nutty 100+ days. Ouch!

Today, I stopped by the Zivity offices to discuss the upcoming bootcamp and meet the team. Can you believe that you only get 5 minutes per quarter at the meters on the street outside?

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