And, lastly: PLEASE COMMENT! I love to hear from you, so don't be shy. Take a moment to leave a comment and check back for the reply. Bookmark this site or sign up for the feed because I'm always updating it and adding new photos.
I guess this shit is cyclical. You know how celebrities die in threes, or everyone you know is pregnant at the same time... Well, it seems like the word of the year is "flux". I'm not talking Back to the Future or soldering either. I'm talking change. Maybe Mr. Obama got the word stuck in our heads, or maybe it's just the state of the world, but everything's gone haywire lately. I'm not immune either. My life's been topsy turvy, and it's left me feeling scattered and restless. I feel like cleaning house, tossing away crap, getting rid of clutter. Inside and out. Things are happening, good or bad, and I have no idea how they'll end up.
Yes, folks, I'm the queen of vague.
(On a side note, I was on a talk show with Julie Brown several years ago. I have always loved her for giving Madonna the finger. She's my hero!)
So, yeah... WTF? I've been in major avoision mode. (Points to those of you who clocked the Kent Brockman reference!) It's been hard to focus, my thoughts drift. What it is is what it is. And this, too, shall pass. Now don't go getting your panties in a bunch. I'm fine and all that, it's just kind of cuckoo bananas and I'm ready for shit to mellow out.
I've found myself not shooting much, and not doing any fetish shoots. I've been traveling and stuff, shot that wedding, and was so inspired by film and Chicago's architecture, that I have found myself excited about the change of pace. (I have such a huge backlog of editing that I'll be busy for months or years without ever shooting another latex catsuit. LOL)
It was with this buzz that I headed out on my shoot date with Steve Diet Goedde. He had his pinholga, I overpacked as usual (Holga, Ansco Shur-Flash, Superheadz Slim White Angel, plus a few cameras I didn't even use). I met him at his place and he chauffeured us to a spot on the LA River. We walked around in the growing heat taking photos of the surroundings. From there, we went to lunch, then stopped at Octavio's for some comic relief, then headed out to Pasadena. It was great to be outside, shooting film, and spending quality time with SDG.
A few days later, I hopped a plane for San Francisco and a chance to decompress a bit. It was as beautiful as ever, crisp and foggy, and home to friends. While there, I dropped the walkabout film off for processing, and it was at my house when I got back to LA.
I added my favorite images to my non-adult Flickr photostream. Click the thumbs below to see the images, including camera and film details.
(Chances are, you're here for free fetish porn, but if you're actually interested in the filmy stuff, check out my non-fetish blog,
Now I'm back home, trying to get a workflow going. Despite the flux, I'm hopeful. To quote Holly Johnson, "The world is my oyster. Ha ha ha ha ha..."
Mmmmm.... Oysters.... ;)
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Here's the next email I'm sending out. This time I'll refrain from posting the url's because this douche doesn't deserve the traffic.
Hi there,
My name is Christine Kessler and I'm a photographer. I'm writing about images of mine that are being used without permission on a Tumblr blog. I have no problem with people posting images as I include my copyright notice and url on every one. The issue here is that this user has stripped my watermark from the images and does not give me credit or link to me (and a couple of the images were even converted to black and white). He has many more of my photographs on his blog that have not been altered, and I have not included them here. Basically, his whole site is his collection of fetish and porno photos that he has swiped from around the internet. Again, it wouldn't be such a big deal if he behaved properly and linked back to where he stole them from.
In his disclaimer, he states:
"Disclaimer: All images, unless otherwise noted, were taken from the Internet and are assumed to be in the public domain. In the event that there is still a problem or error with copyrighted material, the break of the copyright is unintentional and noncommercial and the material will be removed immediately upon presented proof."
However, there are a few problems with this statement. First of all, for an image to be "public domain" it has to not be copyrighted. Every one of my photographs that is uploaded to the internet includes my copyright notice. Just because it was opened in photoshop and removed does not make it public domain. Furthermore, he provides no way to contact him so he can "immediately remove" the image. And, lastly, there is the issue of re-blogging. That is how I found him in the first place. One unscrupulous person posts stolen images and then a hundred people reblog them. Those photos are my source of income and I have a real problem with people posting them without attribution.
I made it through 311 pages of his blog before I ran out of steam. There may be more, but I just can't stand to look anymore. If you need me to continue, I will. I have listed the problem images below. I have also sent links to my photographer and model friends of their violated images as I ran across them.
Please understand that I recognize the value of Tumblr and do not take issue with the people who don't abuse the service, but altering copyrighted images is not ok.
Thanks for your time,
Dear readers of this blog, if you happen to run across people stealing my images, please let me know!! Thanks a ton.
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I swear...
I spent the better part of the last 24 hours finding stolen images of mine on Flickr and Tumblr. I usually leave a comment (if I can) saying that the image is stolen, where it was taken from (, and sometimes informing the thief that they're a shady loser. After that bit of work, I email the website and report the copyright infringement.
Well, this one dude on Flickr who has a bunch of my shots up deleted my comment from each photo and sent me the following message:
Ummm... Huh? Wow. Big man. And the caps are all his. Here's my response:
Well, the fact of the matter is that you are using my images without permission. In fact, the photo of Ancilla Tilia that you have set as your avatar is one I shot.
This image has the url blurred out in the lower right corner. It was taken from an exclusive gallery shot for the site. Though I didn't shoot it (or claim to have), I do know Anna and know the story behind the photo.
I work very hard to produce my photographs. It is my source of income. When people take the photos and post them without my permission, without giving me credit, and without linking to my site, it impacts my ability to make a living.
Every one of my images is labeled with copyright information. That's because I own the copyright. Therefore, if you wish to use the images, you have to obtain my permission.
Call me names if you like, but it does not change the fact that your photo stream is based on the hard work of others. I'm glad you like the images enough to post them, but perhaps you will consider in the future that if photographers like myself cannot make a living doing this work because people are distributing our photographs without permission, then the people who enjoy the photos are the ones who lose out because we won't be able to continue to do the work.
Let's see what happens when his stream gets reviewed. I hope they shitcan his ass.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! He blocked me so I can't reply!! The coward.
GUESS WHO GOT SHITCANNED? Received an email from the powers that be, and they don't seem to think that stealing images is right either.
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Whew!! At long last, I can share with you the details of my new book. This one, like my first, "Pervy Girls", is beautifully published by Goliath Books and will be available worldwide through Goliath's website,, or (autographed copies) It will also be available at local booksellers.
"Nylon Girls" is due to hit stores in the EU around October 15, 2009, and US shops in January 2010. I'm hoping to get my first shipment to sell by December at the latest. I'll announce it here.
This book revolves around hosiery and the gorgeous girls wearing it. Though "nylon" is in the title, the book features pantyhose, stockings, knee-highs, latex stockings, garter belts, and high heels. You've seen some of the images here as I've shot them, but there will certainly be a lot of exciting new photographs for you to enjoy too.
The beautiful Mosh graces the cover. We shot at Kirk Alley's house.
The models:
Amina Munster
Ancilla Tilia
Angela Ryan
Athena Fatale
Mz Berlin
Courtney Cruz
Emily Marilyn
Erica Campbell
Hollywood Geisha
Jade Indica
Jade Vixen
Jewell Marceau
Kayla Jane
Lucretia Stone
Mandy Murders
Miss Conduct
Ruby Luster
Ryan Keely
Satine Phoenix
Ulorin Vex
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I'm happy to finally give you the confirmed information for my two upcoming solo shows in San Francisco. (Both are organized by Femina Potens Edge.)
1- Madame S, Now through December 1st.
Reception is October 9th from 7-9pm.
385 8th Street, SF, CA
2- Center for Sex and Culture,
December 12 (reception 7-9pm) through January.
1519 Mission Street, SF, CA
There will be different photographs at the CSC show. Just to keep things interesting. =)
I'll be at both receptions, so if you're able to, please come down for the parties! I'm also hoping to have copies of my new book for sale before it's even available in the US!
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA - Sept 15 - Dec 1, 2009 - FP EDGE and Madame S are proud to present the titillating artwork of photographer Christine Kessler. Kessler offers up some of her most visually stimulating pieces of erotic photography for you to enjoy at your favorite kink store. Don't pass up the opportunity to see pictures of beautiful models decked out in some of the most vibrant and sexy gear as she skillfully melds fashion, fine art, erotic and fetish imagery. Join us at Madame S for the opening reception on October 9 at 7pm.
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It's really amazing to me that as we're all moving on to digital, there are actually advances in low-fi photography. Maybe "advances" isn't the right word.
A few obsessive days of combing Flickr has opened my eyes to all sorts of fun possibilities. Microclics, all sorts of crazy xpro results, general Holga awesomeness, killer toy cameras, amazing pinhole work... It just goes on and on.
One of the processes that immediately caught my eye is called "Redscale". It's actually simple, though it can seem daunting. What you do is get a roll of regular color film (35mm was my choice) and in complete darkness, re-spool the film back into the canister with the emulsion facing out. Full instructions here, though I have to say that I didn't do it that way. I went into my closet, at night, lights off, towel pushed up against the base of it just in case, pulled all the film out, cut it, flipped it, taped it back to the remainder, and respooled it. I didn't see the point of having a second canister. I guess there's a risk of really scratching the shit out of the film if you're not careful. So I was careful. Keep in mind, though, that you're going to have to cut the leader or you won't be able to get it into your camera's film uptake slot. It's not as red as some of the samples I've seen online, but you never know what you'll get. Could be because of the film I used, could be the printing (read about my xpro nightmare with the same lab below). But, I have to say that I'm really pleased with the results anyways.
It's been fun shooting film, and shooting non-fetish, non-model, architecture and cityscape stuff. Very inspiring!
If you want full details, check out my Flickr stream. I listed film, exposure, camera info on all my low-fi shots there.
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Man, it's been a hell of a couple weeks. It's kind of hard to explain, even.
I flew across the country to shoot a wedding. It wasn't just the ceremony, though, it was nearly a week of dinners, events, parties. I saw a few old friends, but met so many more. These would be people who have seriously enriched my life and I dearly hope to see them again and again. And that's saying something. I'm a generally quiet person, not great at meeting new people, shy, etc. This was different, and it was hard to leave.
On to the wedding... Those that know me would tell you that I'm rather stoic. It's the big, scary Romanian in me. Though inside I'm a raging romantic, I'm not one who's easily moved to tears. Never at a wedding. Again, this was different. I actually cried during the rehearsal. It was like that all week. Love. Romance. Family and friends. It was kinda profound.
I was there to work, though, so work I did. Nearly 1500 photos and that's a lot. The pressure of that kind of one-in-a-lifetime event is nuts. You can't go back and reshoot the fucker. I have so much work left to do, like choosing, editing, and getting a book made.
The trip, itself, was a blast. I took along a dear friend to serve as my assistant and front man. We had free time here and there to wander the streets of Chicago, eat big messy sangwiches, and laugh and talk. Not as much time as I would have liked, though. The couple had what I called a rather "ambitious" schedule which meant that we had shooting planned that would fall through, so I was on call a lot of the time. I'm in no-way complaining, though. The down-time was much-needed.
While wandering, I stumbled across an old-school camera shop that was dusty and cramped. Major score = out of date film. I had taken along a Holga, a super sampler, and a super wide plastic camera, so film was definitely on my mind. Sadly, when I got back and dropped off some rolls for processing (at a pro lab, mind you), they processed my 120 Rollei Digibase CR200 (E6) as black and white instead of xpro. WTF? The truly amazing thing is that it worked and I have a b/w prints to show for it. So much for my xpro test, though.
Now, I'm home. Changed. Introspective. Took a few days to recover then buckled down. I've scanned a bit of the film stuff I've shot recently, and am really looking forward to shooting more. I've got another trip to the airport in a few days, then hopefully will be able to get properly back into a good work groove upon my return.
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Being film obsessed, let me just say that if you have old film (120, 35mm, or Polaroid) sitting around collecting dust, I'd be pleased as punch to take it off your hands. =) Think of yourself as a patron of the arts.
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The insanity continues! LOL
A couple days after my birthday, BKP and I boarded a plane, landed in Utah, loitered for hours, boarded a second plane, and finally arrived in New Orleans. We cabbed it over to Ryan Keely's place and proceeded to bask in her ever present glory.
It was my first real vacation in some time, so I didn't even pack my point and shoot. We ate deliciousness, took a trip to Avery Island to visit the Tabasco factory, hit strip clubs, took a tour, and relaxed. We also got a sneak peak at Ryan's spread in Penthouse. You should go pick up this month's copy because Ryan is officially a Penthouse Pet!!
We flew back home and I've worked non-stop since we landed. I have a show hanging in San Francisco and my friend, Henry Lewis, is picking up the framed prints while I'm out of town. Yeah, that's right, I'm off again. Chicago this time to shoot a wedding. But don't let that slip because unless you've got a very persuasive bank account, I'm not interested. So, Kink joined me while I edited and printed 29 photographs, and I only finished framing them all last night. (I hate framing.)
Now it's 3:30am and I have a half hour til I leave for LAX. Just wanted to post quickly and let you all know I had a good excuse for my silence.
I'll also mention that I'm currently obsessing about film. I hauled out my Holgas and some other lo-fi cameras, and dug out all the old, expired film I had packed away. I moved it to a big vase, planted it on one of my bookcases, and now I've got it withing reach. All I have to do is grab a roll on my way out the door. If only processing weren't so expensive, I'd shoot every day.
I've packed four little cameras and a buttload of film for the trip and I can't wait to get shooting. I've got some b/w film, some chrome to xpro, and I'm giving redscale a whirl too. Lookout, Chicago, here I come!!
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What happens when you dress two of the hottest alt-models out there in matching animal-print zentai suits and give them a bed to frolic around in? Well, if you're a site member, you'll get to see first hand! I love Apnea and Kayla Jane, and am pleased as punch to have set up their first kinky lesbian encounter. This is part 2, and before I forget, let me just mention that they're rolling around in Perry Gallagher's bed. Awww yeah...
This gallery is members only! Remember, this photo and the whole uncensored set are up to 3x this size on the website!
For more girls getting their first taste of encasement and zentai fetish, visit!
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