This blog (and all of MyFetishDiary.com) is intended solely for adults (you must be over 18 to view it!). I am an erotic photographer and this blog is not meant for minors or those who are easily offended. There will be potty language. There will be dirty pictures. This site is not work safe.... There. You've been warned. So don't come crying to me if your boss wants to know why you're looking at kinky fetish pictures... LOL


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Fighting jet lag 

nearly missed my flight.. gates changed with no warning. as I finally walked off to figure out what was going on, I overheard the final boarding call for my flight. once we got going. the flight was uneventful.

landed and made it through customs really swiftly before meeting miss c and martin. got settled at sasha's and then went out to a shop called 'coffee cake and kink'.

it's drizzling and cold. we just had a bite to eat and then I think we're off to the tate.

fighting sleepiness.Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

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Bored at the airport 

miss conduct and martin are on a different flight to london. their's left 2 hours before mine which translates to 5 hours at the airport.

which means i'm bored.

which means i'm taking photos of abstracts.


loving my camera phone.Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

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Mobile blogging 

In preparation for my trip abroad, I've set up mobile blogging. For this, my first mobile post, please enjoy this photo of my assistant, Ian, taken with my phone.

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Order Pervy Girls 
I just went to check out Goliath's new site design and saw that my book is available for purchase there. Guess you ain't gotta wait for it to come out in the US after all!

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

Technorati tags: fetish+photography, erotic+photography, erotica, latex, fetish

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Ms. Murders 
And now... The lovely Ms. Mandy Murders!

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

Technorati tags: GodsGirls, erotic+photography, lingerie, Mandy+Murders

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Motored out to Las Vegas on Tuesday with Bob K., Miss Conduct and Martin. We got in and split up for the evening, M and M opting for marathon sleeping, while Mr. K and I hit the town. Since neither of us gambles, we wandered around aimlessly for a few hours to work up an appetite then settled on Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill for dinner. Now, I loathe Flay. I base my opinion on his television personality since I don't know him personally, but he seems like such a cock. I'd heard his food was good, though, so I wanted to check it out. I have to say that we were impressed.

The Menu:

CRISPY FRIED SQUASH BLOSSOMS - stuffed with Ricotta, Sweet Corn + Basil with Hot and Sweet Yellow Pepper Sauce

NEW MEXICAN SPICE RUBBED PORK TENDELOIN - with Bourbon-Ancho Chile Sauce + Sweet Potato Tamale with Crushed Pecan Butter

I really enjoyed the appetizer, though Bob found it a bit bland. The entrees were great, the pork a perfect, tender medium. My tamale was overcooked around the edges, but not terrible.

That meal was one of the best parts of the trip as the rest was filled with the usual Vegas dining requirements of cheap food and buffets. (NOTE TO SELF - Avoid the lunch buffet at the Imperial Palace at all costs!)

The main purpose of my trip was a photo shoot with yummy Mandy Murders. I hadn't seen her since our last GG shoot, and though we got a late start, we had a blast! I think she's just terrific and such a doll. We shot five sets in my hotel room before heading over to Dive Bar for some socialization. We met the rest of the crew there and played pinball and darts. It was really a treat to be able to spend time outside of work with Mandy.

We checked out of our hotel the following morning and enjoyed a little culture. The four of us trekked over to the Liberace Museumand ogled all the fanciness. The cars were pretty impressive as was his costume collection. The rhinestone-covered Rolls Royce (with matching toolbox) was a standout, but, by far our favorite thing was this bizarre red/white/and blue getup consisting of a jacket, short shorts, and argyle socks.

On our walk along the strip the first night, we spotted a giant billboard outside the Venetian advertising a Mapplethorpe exhibit. We left the Liberace museum and fought traffic back to the strip, suffered the parking lot and walked all over the hotel only to find that the show wasn't due to open til next month. With great disappointment, we left for our final destination, the Atomic Testing Museum. If you find yourself in Las Vegas, I highly recommend it. We spent quite a while there enjoying their extremely informative exhibits. I was most amazed by these unbelievable images shot with a "Rapidtronic Camera". It was designed specifically for the nuclear testing in Nevada and shot images at, I believe, 1/1,000,000th of a second. The museum displays photographs from the first few microseconds of some test explosions and those pictures are like nothing you've ever seen. Beautiful, abstract, and frightening.

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

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It exists in Germany! 
Ha ha... This is great! My book is already listed on German Amazon (see link above). It's also on UK Amazon, but it's not available yet. The site says that it's going to be released on October 2nd and doesn't have all the info yet. Neither site has the book cover for some reason either. I'm being impatient, I know, but this is so exciting!

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

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Hitting the road 
Miss Conduct and Martin should be here shortly. We're off to Vegas for a few days, showing the Limey a good time on his first trip there. LOL

I'm excited also because I'll be shooting one of my favorite models while there, Mandy Murders. I've shot her before for GodsGirls, but this time it's for me. Mandy is really gorgeous and the poster girl for good genetics (her mother was a Playboy Playmate). And to sweeten the deal, we have the best time shooting together. She's fucking funny.

I've got a swank hotel room and a bar at my disposal. Can't wait to see what we come up with!

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

Technorati tags: GodsGirls, Mandy+Murders, vegas, erotic+photography

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New wave fantasy 
My fierce friend, Ruben, bought me a concert ticket for my birthday. Talk about feeling old. LOL We just got back from seeing ABC, Psychedelic Furs, and Human League at the Hollywood Bowl. In a nutshell.... Martin Fry looked really old and that made us sad, but ABC sounded good. Psych Furs = band was great but the singer was nuts. Human League were amazing. I'm all a-glow....

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

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My favorite 
So, it's nearly 5am and clearly we've been pulling an all-nighter. LOL But check out the awesome shot that Mr. Knarley took! It's my new favotie picture of myself. Pervert that I am...

This is my new Simon O. hood. I had it custom-made with the pigtails and I just love it! There's a photo of Apnea wearing it farther down the page. It's the blue latex hood with white trim.

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

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