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The other night, I spent a rare few hours on the couch catching up with Tivo. I got so angry watching 30 days that I went to bed fuming.
In that episode of the very interesting documentary series, they had this Mormon cunt from Orange County (she was adopted as a child and had two adopted children of her own) go to live with a same-sex couple in Michigan. These two wonderful guys had adopted four boys as well (one of them a "special needs" child).
The purpose of the episode was to challenge the cunt's view of same-sex couple adoption. She believes that it's morally wrong for gays or lesbians to adopt children. Despite experiencing the loving, nurturing environment the two men had created, meeting their friends and family, attending support groups and seeing other children loved by gay parents, she was not having it. She kept spewing her hateful rhetoric, constantly contradicting herself and just reinforcing the fact that religious fuckheads will be the downfall of this world.
I mean, they even had her meet with two adults from the area who had been foster children. They told her about how horrible it was to live in group homes, the devastation of being shuttled from one uncaring family to another. They expressed their misery as children and explained to her that they would have loved to have been adopted and it wouldn't have mattered if the adoptive parents were gay, straight, black, white, or anything else. And yet, this douchebag bitch basically said that all those foster children should go fuck themselves. That the only people who should be parents are married men and women.
I bet if she took her head out of her ass for a second and took a little peek down the street from her house, she'd find that a large proportion of the families were divorced. And if she looked further, she'd find terrible abuses and neglect perpetrated by those same straight mothers and fathers.
It drives me bananas. In the end, she was driven to tears and though she claims it's because she was being attacked for her morals, it was really because she's spent her life as a non-thinking sheep, following what she'd been told without ever questioning it. Being surrounded by proof that her teachings are utterly incorrect, she was frustrated to the point of meltdown. God forbid (literally) that she should have to face the real truth that her Christian ideologies are a bunch of bullshit.
Throughout the episode, she'd plaster this fake smile on her face and tell the gay fathers that it was "nothing personal". One of the men explained to her that it was "persona"l because she (and her ilk) wanted to legislate against adoption by same-sex couples. Cunt said that she had her morals and they had theirs and that each should do as they morally saw fit. Again, and with great patience, he demonstrated to her that though that would be ideal, she wanted to make it illegal, so that contradicts what she had just stated. And then, at the end of the show, she had the NERVE to be offended when he told her that he could not be her friend! How could anyone be friends with someone who wants to make their generosity and ability to love a child illegal?
Let me make it clear, here, that I am childless by choice. I do not wish to ever have children. I have neither the money, the patience, or the desire to do it. Though children are not for me, I applaud those men and women who so selflessly open their lives to children who are in need. They are the good guys. These religious zealots and their antiquated beliefs are the ones who are bringing this country and this very world to its knees. They should be ashamed.
I'll stop now though I could go on and on. It's been two days since I watched it and I'm still seething...
They'll have the full episode (30 Days, season 3, episode 4) up on Hulu shortly, but for now they have some clips available.
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