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So, my birthday was something else. (Thanks to BKP, Evan, Kink, Simone, Mz, and Seth for that!)
Wednesday, I invited a few close friends over for dinner. Catered in Filipino food, ate, laughed, and watched Kink get drunk. LOL Tried on corsets with Simone, pimped her out to Mz Berlin. After Simone left, at the end of the night, pulled out my trusty old Holgaroid and started taking photos. Mz washed her face and I did her makeup (I rocked it, too, btw!), then put her in some wigs. That led to her all glammed up in my bed, wearing only a corset, and me pulling out lights and affixing my lensbaby to my camera. We got some sweet, arty shots.
Mz Berlin spent the night, laughing it up with me and Bob. We were greeted by Defect Doll early in the morning (that was yesterday, my actual bday). What made this different from every other one was that I got the shooting bug and ended up holding a camera all day long. We piled into my truck, our neighboring drivers staring at DD's giant rubber boobs, and drove around deciding where to shoot. I chose to scout locations near the police academy. There's a huge park over there that I'd never explored, so off we went... Perverts with a photography jones, hoping not to get caught.
Driving up hills and around corners, I spotted a beautiful vista off to one side. I parked and soon my lovely models were tightening their corsets and slipping into their high heels while trying to remain hidden from the houses across the street. I really have to hand it to those two! The terrain was a bitch, and I can only imagine how difficult it was hiking up hills through a heavily carpeted woodland area while cinched tight and with heels sinking into the soil.
We spent a good 45 minutes shooting there before we decided not to push our luck. The last thing I'd want is for some mother and child to spot us and call the cops. Even though no one was humping or anything, Mz couldn't resist pulling her big, sexy boobs out from time to time. I am nothing if not careful, and would be horrified if any of my models ever got in trouble during one of my shoots.
We drove down the hill and through the park proper. I parked and as we were deciding where to go next with Bob, the cruise director, working magic on his iPhone. That's when I spotted a clearing up ahead. I gave Mz Berlin a new wig to wear, and she changed into my crazy 6.5" heeled knee-boots and trudged through the grass like a rockstar. BKP and DD were posted as lookouts, so we felt pretty secure. In the clearing, among felled trees, we were afforded a little privacy so, not only did we get some really stellar shots, Mz even trumped the boob exposures by unzipping the crotch of her catsuit and jamming her finger into her ass. Completely artistic and tasteful, of course. LOL
Finally, we settled on renting a hotel room so I could finish out my big day in air-conditioned comfort. Relaxation wasn't on the menu, though, so more shooting - stills and video (dirty, raunchy rubberdoll porn) - rounded out the day. By 10pm, I could barely see straight, so we bundled back into my truck, and I drove everyone back to their cars. Bob and I dragged ourselves into bed and slept like the dead. I hope my hard working models made it home safely too.
So, here's the deal... Bob had planned to take me to an amusement park, but anyone can do that. Fetish art porno hotness is special just for me. =) I am one lucky woman.

I am really really really happy with the whole thing. I think these are some of the best images I've captured of both ladies. And now I'm itching to find more locations for outdoor debauchery. All in the name of art.
For all of my sexy latex photos and videos, visit!

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2009, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.
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