This blog (and all of MyFetishDiary.com) is intended solely for adults (you must be over 18 to view it!). I am an erotic photographer and this blog is not meant for minors or those who are easily offended. There will be potty language. There will be dirty pictures. This site is not work safe.... There. You've been warned. So don't come crying to me if your boss wants to know why you're looking at kinky fetish pictures... LOL


And, lastly: PLEASE COMMENT! I love to hear from you, so don't be shy. Take a moment to leave a comment and check back for the reply. Bookmark this site or sign up for the feed because I'm always updating it and adding new photos.

Good, clean fun! 

h and i went to the orange county fair today. it was a blast! perfect weather, nice and mild with a cool breeze. not too many people there so no crowd induced anger. we saw the giant white steer. h told me about it before we got there but i had no clue as to just how HUGE it really is. it's head was easily the size of four or more of my dachshunds, and it's hind legs are over six feet tall. it was freaking ginormous! we also saw the all-alaskan pig races where these adorable little piglets raced around a mini racetrack. so cute. that and the deep fried snickers bar made for a perfect afternoon/evening.

and, in other news... nexus, which is virgin books' erotica imprint, has purchased quite a few of my photos for book covers in the past.

well, i got an email from the publisher today saying, "I'd like to use this marvellous fem dom image for Whipping Triangle by G C Scott, published Nexus. January 2007." It's this photo of sutan. i had to email him back and let him know that sutan was, actually, a man. haven't heard back yet, but i'm interested to see if he still wants it. made me chuckle in any event!

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

Technorati tags: Emily+Marilyn, Masuimi+Max, Masuimi, Tall+Goddess, erotic+photography, fetish, photography

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Gay bar 
Home. Shot Gabi and Ivadell for GG today at my friend's gay leather bar, The Eagle LA. Yep. It's all about who you know!

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

Technorati tags: GodsGirls, erotic, photography

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Kortni Bird 

people, lemme tell ya... kortni bird is one funny mofo. after shooting her for GG late last year, we became almost inseperable. what can i say? i'm a sucker for people who make me laugh. we went to my studio one night in november to shoot some corsets for Exquisite Retraint but this ended up being my favorite pic of the night, and my favorite shot of Kortni, period. I think it totally captures her personality.

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

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i'm in portland. yay! talked to darenzia yesterday and she got my surprise. i sent her a gourmet cheese basket for her bday. she cracked me up claiming that cheese is her favorite food group. lol.

got here on tuesday and the weather was crazy. over 100 for several days. it's finally cooling off, but wtf!! i mean... come on!! it's portland, oregon for christ's sake! i come up here looking forward to cool weather and a spot of rain! jeez....

but, tonight it was beautiful. the lights from the buildings and bridges twinkling on the surface of the river... i love it here. and, visiting my fabulous pal, betka. good times afoot. really just taking it easy. 2 photo shoots with ms. b while i'm here, but otherwise a much-needed rest.

bob k. and i had the most delicious dinner at this upscale peruvian place. though it wasn't exactly genuine peruvian fare (they had a large tapas menu, and i had the duck confit, go figure) but super yummy. b doesn't have internet at her new place yet, so we're hijacking wireless from the strip club across the street. how's that for class?

that's all for now, and that's more than enough. i want to catch up on sleep and lounge around in my pj's.

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

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Sneezing and getting on with it 

seems like everyone's sick or suffering allergies, etc. personally, i haven't been able to breathe through my nose for several days now, and i'm freaking over it!

but... i doped myself up with enough sinus meds yesterday to shoot apnea and belladonna. so worth it. i just love them both! the awesome latex was provided by venus prototype.

some jackass swiped the red/black photo above and posted it without permission on another site... there ensued a big debate about apnea's teeth being rotten and that she needed caps or some such crap. what idiots. the metal "tooth" was a funny little piece from a pirate costume that we bought at a halloween shop. it has a skull and crossbones etched on it. we just thought her outfit looked so circusy that the tooth would be a silly accessory. there's an awesome close-up of it in the gallery.

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

Technorati tags: Apnea, Apneatic, Belladonna, latex, rubber, fetish, erotic+photography, fetish+models

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Staying home rules! 
Apnea and LP are back in town and staying with me this time (yay). 

She was filming a music video today and came back to my house around 9pm.  I drove over to pick up Belladonna and brought her back over here.  We hadn't eaten so I made some bean and cheese pupusas and we all shared.  Then, we watched one of my favorite guilty pleasures, Prince's Under the Cherry Moon.  I think it changed all of their lives.  I'm not kidding. 

Followed that up with a rousing game of Balderdash, with Purple Rain playing in the background.  We made this hilarious video of Apnea in front of the tv during the infamous "Lake Minnetonka" scene.  You'll have to catch that on her website

And now, I just got in from dropping Bella back off at home.  Apnea's already crashed out.  And I've got to leave by 10am for my shoot with Skyler and Scar for GG tomorrow.
Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

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How to make a photographer love you 

Sure, a perfect body is great. Flawless skin is dreamy. A naturally beautiful face is extremely helpful. And yet...

All of my favorite models have a few things in common.

  • they have a fun personality
  • they are comfortable in their own skin
  • they follow direction
  • they move on their own
  • they are versatile
  • they show emotion
  • they enjoy being in front of the camera

Lemme tell you guys... If we're all having a good time, it shows in the photos.

I just shot with Toryn the other day and I'm going through the photos now. We had so much fun and it just reminded me of why I love my job. She's another model to add to my list of favorites! For all of you modelling hopefuls out there, keep these points in mind. You'll have a blast and get great pics!

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

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I <3 Pia 
i met pia.

i shot pia. a bunch.

i hired her to be my makeup artist so she'd always be around.

sneaky... huh? LOL

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

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Worth staying up late for 
my home-skillet, apnea, and her picnicky man are in town. i had an impromptu little party last night, kortni, belladonna, miss conduct, martin, bob k. and i... then we got the word that the texans would be able to make it by too. life really is great sometimes. by 4am-ish when everybody'd finally gone (except for kortni who passed out in my living room watching six feet under), my house looked like a tornado'd passed through. but, you know i had a smile on my face while cleaning up today.

Copyright © Christine Kessler 2006, all rights reserved. If you are not reading this material on MyFetishDiary.com, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement.

Technorati tags: Apnea, Apneatic

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